Is It Possible To Get PMP Work Experience Without Certification, Then How?
Before you give the PMP certification examination you have to have the experience of a bachelor or associate degree, then only you will be able to sit for the exam. But there are many people who don’t even give the exam. They start finding jobs in smaller companies where they want employees with dedication, who is hard working and intelligent. In order to give this exam the candidate has to have a minimum experience of 4500 hours. Listed below are some ideas of how to get a job with the PMP experience only: Try finding a job which doesn’t need a certification Try finding small companies who are not hiring PMP certified managers for their companies like bigger companies or government companies. Small companies value so much of paper work and credentials like these high value companies. They want dedicated employees who will work hard and bring good fortune for the company. In these types of companies experience is enough to get the job, you will not require to show the certifi...