Is It Possible To Get PMP Work Experience Without Certification, Then How?

Before you give the PMP certification examination you have to have the experience of a bachelor or associate degree, then only you will be able to sit for the exam. But there are many people who don’t even give the exam. They start finding jobs in smaller companies where they want employees with dedication, who is hard working and intelligent. In order to give this exam the candidate has to have a minimum experience of 4500 hours. Listed below are some ideas of how to get a job with the PMP experience only:

Try finding a job which doesn’t need a certification

Try finding small companies who are not hiring PMP certified managers for their companies like bigger companies or government companies. Small companies value so much of paper work and credentials like these high value companies. They want dedicated employees who will work hard and bring good fortune for the company. In these types of companies experience is enough to get the job, you will not require to show the certification.

Understand What is difference between PMP & PRINCE2 Certification

Get some experience while doing a current job

It doesn’t matter what you are working on or for whom you are working. You can still get some quality experience while doing this current. On job training is very good and you can get a lot of experience, you just need a mentor like a project manager who can help you with this and provide you some works and projects. So, that he or she has to do some less work as project managers have loads of work to complete. For leading and directing projects you can work as a team and lead that team. While doing this you can still concentrate on your work easily as well as manage your team to get some great experience of managing people, timelines and other budgets.

Watch Below video to know how pass PMP exam in first try

Get involved in the office stuff

A great way to know how to lead and project management office will give you a lot of experience. You will get to know what kind of methods is used in your company for directing people and managing all the projects. 

Get the education for the PMP exam

You will need to get it at some point as the PMP exam is very important for a manager, but before you can sit for the exam you also need to have the required contact hours of 35 for PMP exam. It will be really helpful and easy for you to does it as soon as possible because you will get a lot of time to get trained for Masters Degree in project management. That will not only help you to get chance in any company as a project manager but will also help you to complete different types of projects.

But, the most important thing is the interview and you need to stay positive while giving the interview. You need to prove your recruiter that you are dedicated, you are here for that position and you have got the experience and the right mentality of a leader for this job.

Skillogic Knowledge Solutions is providing “Classroom Mode” PMP Certification Training in Pune. Many IT professionals certified in PMP with Skillogic “PMP in First Attempt” program. Sing-up and get certified. If not pune, you can also opt PMP training in Mumbai city. Which is 150 km from Pune.


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